A-Line Magazine: The Anniversary Issue

A-Line Magazine: The Anniversary Issue

Happy birthday to us! We’re celebrating our one-year anniversary this month and, boy, it’s been a great year. 

I don’t remember turning 1 myself, which is probably good because I didn’t do much besides babble nonsense words, pee in a diaper, and totter around while gnawing on teething rings. But to commemorate these past 365 days or so, I bought myself a cupcake—and champagne—which is how grown-ups honor milestones because we have all of our teeth to chew up cupcakes and IDs that say we can drink alcohol. (I’ve never met a baby with a believable fake ID.)

So while we here at A-Line are consuming sugary sweets and cheesy potatoes (Creative Director Rebecca doesn’t eat cake) between keyboard strokes, I’d like to say thank you. Thank you for supporting us. Thank you for reading, for coming to events, for liking the stupid things I post on Facebook, for letting us photograph your products, for everything. And thank you to our writers, advertisers, stylists, distributors, publishers, printers, and everyone else. We’ve had the staggeringly and unbelievably lucky opportunity to create this—an actual, physical print magazine in this day and age—and to meet and feature so many amazing people. I have relished every single second of this past year, even the sucky ones. It’s been a beautiful experience and we couldn’t have done it without you. Seriously. We make a great team, don’t we?

And as I sit here reminiscing about my favorite A-Line things: the parties (our launch party with Fashion Week was crazy!), the Happy Hour cocktails (Molly Wellmann can do no wrong when it comes to alcohol), the fashion shoots (how fantastic did FOX19’s Sheila Gray look in the January spread?), the stories, and that giant cat on last month’s cover, I have to acknowledge that the one great thing that the passage of time brings us is change.

You all are going to see some changes around here in the next couple months, but remember that without change there is no growth. And I think one of the most important things we can do in life is to continually grow, learn, and evolve. We all tramp a perpetual journey, and it’s the burden and joy of the trip that awakens us. So cheers to the past, cheers to the future, and cheers to all of us for being awesome. 

—Maija Zummo, Editor in Chief


A-Line Magazine: The Arrival

A-Line Magazine: The Arrival

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